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Dental Health and Food: Learning to Eat Better

My intense love for candy, cakes, and everything in between started as a child. I simply couldn't go one day without something sweet to eat. But my love for all things sweet took a toll on my teeth. My dentist diagnosed me with seven cavities, each one a different size and depth. After sitting through four long dental appointments, I decided to make a change. I now monitor my diet and only eat things that benefit my oral health. I'm here to help you take better care of your teeth. My blog offers tips on how to improve your diet, maintain good oral hygiene, and many other topics. Hopefully, you can learn to overcome your bad habits just as I did. Good luck with your future dental health.


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Dental Health and Food: Learning to Eat Better

    Three Congenital Dental Disorders To Watch For In Your Child

    When most people think of dental problems, they think of issues such as tooth decay and tooth abscesses, which are not present when a person is born, but rather develop later in life. Some dental problems are congenital, which means that they are present at birth. Though these dental problems may not be obvious until a child is a few months or years old, they are genetically based, and nothing you do as a parent can prevent them from showing up.

    Gum Contouring In Full Mouth Restorations

    When patients visit the dental clinic for full mouth restoration, it is usually because significant damage has been done to a number of teeth. What patient's don't realize however, is the effect of this damage on the rest of the mouth structure. Full mouth restorations will help fix the teeth that remain; however, the procedure may also demand a few subsequent treatments to manage other problems. Read more information below. When Your Teeth Aren't the Problem

    Losing Teeth, Gaining Culture: Three Things The Tooth Fairy Can Teach Your Child

    When your child loses a baby tooth it can be an exciting and somewhat frightening experience. If you, like many other parents, use the story of the tooth fairy to make the experience a little easier, you also might want to consider what the tooth fairy can teach your child about cultural appreciation, responsibility, oral hygiene, and imagination.  Each Culture Has Different Beliefs and Traditions  Although you may take the tooth fairy for granted, it is a rather recent creation that has been solidified in English-speaking parts of the world through the portrayal of benevolent fairies in early Disney films.

    Smile! | 4 Components Used To Complete Your Dental Implants

    Upon discussing the implant installation process with your dentist, you might feel like a bundle of nerves about the upcoming procedures. Luckily, you can ease your stress and feel calm about the procedures by learning about the materials used for the implants. By learning about the individual components, you can gain a better understanding about each step of the implant installation procedure. Whether you need just one implant or a whole mouth full, the materials used for permanent tooth replacement have come a long way since the first known implants used in the third century B.

    3 Primary Causes Of Jawbone Loss

    Dental implants are the most effective means of replacing missing teeth because they are both natural-looking and permanent. However, dental implants cannot always be implanted immediately due to jawbone resorption beneath the area where your real tooth was lost. Here is an explanation of the three primary causes of jawbone resorption. Lack of Jawbone Stimulation The bone and soft tissue that surrounds the roots of your teeth to hold them in place is known as the dental alveoli.

    Cosmetic Resin Bridges: A Great Choice For Replacing Missing Teeth

    Dental implants are an excellent choice for many individuals with missing teeth. They are permanent, durable and best mimic your real teeth. However, dental implants are not always practical for every patient. As such, your dentist can provide you with a number of possible alternatives, such as fixed or removable dentures or teeth-supported bridges. However, an option that isn't often known about by patients is the composite resin bridge. This is a relatively young dental technology made possible by super-strong materials available to dentists.

    Preventative Dentistry: The Best Thing For Your Child's Oral Health

    Although your dentist is well-equipped to deal with almost any dental problem that your child might have, it is always easier to prevent issues from appearing rather than trying to fix them as they start to crop up. Preventative dentistry aims to help your child take small steps so that they won't ever have to deal with huge oral problems. You should know what preventative steps you can help your child take to avoid major oral health issues as well as dental emergencies.

    All About Tonsil Stones

    If you have had bad breath, white debris seemingly randomly appearing in your mouth or a sore throat that won't go away, you might have tonsil stones. Read on to learn about tonsil stones, their causes and effects and what you can do about them. What Are Tonsil Stones? A tonsil stone is a calcified cluster of material that forms in pockets in your tonsils. Other names for tonsil stones include tonsilloliths, and they are also referred tonsillar calculi.