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Dental Health and Food: Learning to Eat Better

My intense love for candy, cakes, and everything in between started as a child. I simply couldn't go one day without something sweet to eat. But my love for all things sweet took a toll on my teeth. My dentist diagnosed me with seven cavities, each one a different size and depth. After sitting through four long dental appointments, I decided to make a change. I now monitor my diet and only eat things that benefit my oral health. I'm here to help you take better care of your teeth. My blog offers tips on how to improve your diet, maintain good oral hygiene, and many other topics. Hopefully, you can learn to overcome your bad habits just as I did. Good luck with your future dental health.


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Dental Health and Food: Learning to Eat Better


Need A Filling But Don't Like The Drilling? 4 Solutions For The Anxious Patient

Many patients rationally know that their dentist is trying to help them when they go in for a filling. But for whatever reason, the dental drill can make many patients anxious. If you need to get a cavity filled, here are four methods to inquire about. Ask about Fluoride for Early Decay Dentists look at decay a lot differently than they did in the past. Science Alert says that dentists used to see decay as a rapidly progressing disease, but researchers have found that it takes four to eight years for decay to reach a tooth's inner layer.

Caring For Your Dentures

A denture is comprised of false teeth that are connected to a base, which is usually made of resin. It is often prescribed for people who have lost a large number of teeth. Once dentures are in place, the patient can speak and eat without as much difficulty. If all the teeth are missing from a palate, a full denture is used. However, if some remaining teeth are still present in a palate, a partial denture may be recommended.

Having Painful Dental Cleaning? Follow These Tips for Gum Care

Do you not look forward to your dental cleanings because they are painful? If so, it can be caused by not caring for your gums between cleanings. Here are some tips that will help reduce gum bleeding and not make them feel as sore after a dental cleaning. Let Your Toothbrush Overlap Your Gums  A common problem that leads to your gums bleeding and being inflamed is improper brushing. That's because when people think of brushing their teeth, they think of only brushing their teeth.

Why Grinding Your Teeth Is So Bad For You

Do you grind your teeth? It's possible that you don't even realize that you do it since many people grind their teeth while sleep. This habit can be bad for you in several ways. By knowing why teeth grinding is so bad for you, it can motivate you to seek out professional help from your dentist to stop it. The Pain It does not feel very pleasant when you grind your teeth.

What To Do About A Stuck Strand Of Dental Floss

Dental floss is an important oral health tool used to remove food particles and other debris from the gaps between your teeth. While the importance of flossing has been downgraded slightly in the past few years, it is still essential when you know you have popcorn kernels or other irritants stuck around your gum line. Yet it's also possible for floss to shred or tear while you're using it and become lodged on a tooth or between two teeth.

Teeth Whitening Options

Even if your teeth are properly aligned, you may still be uncomfortable with their appearance -- especially if they are discolored. Dental discoloration is caused by multiple factors, such as age, food choices, and tobacco use. People who are older tend to have darker teeth because some of their tooth enamel has eroded, revealing the yellow dentin that lies beneath. Additionally, people who regularly consume foods and beverages that contain dark pigments may have discolored teeth.

How To Relieve A Toothache At Home Before Heading To The Dentist

If you are experiencing a toothache, there could be many root causes. Toothaches are often caused by untreated cavities or gum disease. Sometimes the ache is a symptom of another condition, such as a sinus infection. The most serious cause of a toothache is a dental abscess, which can look like a pimple on your gums. You should call your dentist right away if this is the cause, as the abscess's bacteria can cause your airway to swell and spread through your bloodstream to other parts of your body.

Tips To Help You Overcome Your Dental Anxiety And Fears

One of the reasons people do not visit dental clinics is due to the fears and anxiety they feel about dental work. If you have fears about dentistry work and are avoiding the dentist because of these, your oral health might be suffering. There are ways to face these fears and overcome them; here are some tips you should consider that might help you with this. Let your dentist know how you feel

Choosing The Right Dental Professional To Place A Dental Implant

In the past, people would have to rely on bridges, partial dentures, or full dentures when missing one or several teeth. There have been advancements made in dental restoration, and dental implants are becoming an increasingly popular option for people who want to replace missing teeth. Dental implants prevent bone loss in the jaw, are strong and durable, and look very much like natural teeth. If you are interested in dental implants, use the following tips to choose the right dental doctor.

Here Are The Tools And Materials To Take Care Of Your Teeth During Orthodontic Treatment

If your teeth are undergoing orthodontic treatment, it will face many risks and threats before the treatment period is over. The risks include accidental blows to the mouth, dental hygiene difficulties, and malfunctioning orthodontics. Here are the tools and materials you need to take care of your teeth when they have braces: Orthodontic Wax After you have been fitted with the braces, you will feel some discomfort for the first few weeks while you get used to them.

Signs That Your Tooth Crack Or Break Is An Emergency Situation

A dislodged tooth, a large cut in the mouth, and severely damaged gums are all obvious oral emergencies. However, there are some types of oral emergencies that may not be quite as obvious. This is the case when it comes to chipped teeth since breaks are emergencies while others are not. Keep reading to learn about some signs that the issue is indeed something you need to speak to your dentist about as soon as possible.

How To Know If You Should Get Veneers Instead Of Braces

Getting your teeth straightened can make a big impact on your overall looks. However, some people look at veneers and wonder if they can provide results for them that are worth skipping braces on. Here are the three things veneers can do for you that braces just can't. Quick Results Veneers are a very short process from start to completion. While braces require a long process of x-rays, dental molds, installing the braces, and then over the course of years tightening and adjusting them, veneers take far less time.

What to Know About Sedation Dentistry

If you hate going to the dentist because of anxiety, you need to consider sedation dentistry. With sedation dentistry, you receive some form of medication or gas that leaves you feeling relaxed and carefree. If you are nervous about sedation dentistry, check out these three facts, so you know if it's the right choice to help you get to the dentist. It Reduces Stress The sedation you receive does help you ignore any possible pain or discomfort, but you will still need a local anesthetic.