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Dental Health and Food: Learning to Eat Better

My intense love for candy, cakes, and everything in between started as a child. I simply couldn't go one day without something sweet to eat. But my love for all things sweet took a toll on my teeth. My dentist diagnosed me with seven cavities, each one a different size and depth. After sitting through four long dental appointments, I decided to make a change. I now monitor my diet and only eat things that benefit my oral health. I'm here to help you take better care of your teeth. My blog offers tips on how to improve your diet, maintain good oral hygiene, and many other topics. Hopefully, you can learn to overcome your bad habits just as I did. Good luck with your future dental health.


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Dental Health and Food: Learning to Eat Better

Parting Ways With Your Wisdom Teeth

by Eric Bailey

Not all wisdom teeth are automatically trouble but they often are judged to too problematic to remain. Some are stubborn to emerge and cause pain while some may try to emerge on top of your molars. Even successfully emerged third molars can create crowding among your other teeth. Those and other reasons are why dentists usually recommend wisdom teeth removal. To find out what to expect as you part ways with your wisdom teeth, read on.

Who and When?

Wisdom teeth can often be removed by the dentist you've been seeing all along. They also may refer you to an oral surgeon that specializes in such procedures. Either way, wisdom teeth removal has been performed for many years and is very safe and painless. The best time to have them removed is before they start causing problems that will need to be addressed during additional visits.

Pain Prevention Options

Wisdom tooth surgery is not meant to be painful or even uncomfortable and you can choose from a menu of options to handle your precise level of need. Discuss with your dentist the following:

  • If you are anxious about the surgery, your dentist can prescribe you a sedative to be taken an hour or so before your appointment.
  • You can use laughing gas (Nitrous oxide) during the procedure and be unaware of the happenings as well as be pain-free.
  • The surgery site can be injected with numbing medication if needed.
  • The top level of pain relief is intravenous (IV) sedation. Often, a specially-trained professional will administer IV pain relief and monitor you during the procedure.

What Is Going On?

While dentists have their own methods of operation, you might expect the following to be done:

  • They'll administer pain relief and ensure you are comfortable and stable before beginning.
  • The tooth must be accessed and that can involve using both a tiny scalpel and a dental drill to remove the tooth. Some gum tissue is usually removed along with the tooth. Don't worry, it will heal without an indentation.
  • A few tiny stitches may be necessary to close the wound on the gum.
  • You will gradually awaken enough to bite down gently on a small piece of gauze to help with any bleeding.
  • The dentist will explain how to eat and drink safely after your appointment and how to alleviate any remaining pain.

Learn more by discussing your wisdom tooth removal with dentists like Dr. Robert M. Lasell, DDS.
